Revolution and the Fall of the Wall – Every day, free of charge
The open-air exhibition “Revolution and the Fall of the Wall” at the Stasi headquarters in Berlin-Lichtenberg opened on 15 June 2016. Across 1,300 square metres, the permanent bilingual exhibition documents the key stages of the Peaceful Revolution in the GDR – from the beginnings of the protest via the fall of the Wall to German unity.
A 45-minute audio guide (German/English/Italien) provides a tour of the exhibition. Audio guide equipment can be loaned from the information desk in House 22 for a nominal fee of 1 euro.
Free tours of the exhibition guided by witnesses to the revolution are provided on demand. Please use the mail form to register group tours.
The open-air exhibition “Revolution and the Fall of the Wall” opened on 15 June 2016. The new permanent exhibition is accessible around the clock, every day.
The information desk in the former officers’ mess (House 22) on the complex is open every day from 10 am to 6 pm.
Entrance to the open-air exhibition “Revolution and the Fall of the Wall” is free of charge. The complex is open to the public around the clock.
Up until 1990, the Stasi headquarters in Berlin-Lichtenberg were the main offices of the Ministry of State Security, the East German secret police. Up to seven thousand Stasi employees worked here, and the Stasi minister Erich Mielke had his office in House 1 from 1962 to 1989. The building now accommodates the Stasi Museum with the exhibition "State Security in the SED Dictatorship”. Erich Mielke’s historical office rooms form the core of the museum.
Alle Bereiche der Open-Air-Ausstellung „Revolution und Mauerfall“ sind ebenerdig zugänglich.
Die Information in „Haus 22“ der Stasi-Zentrale. Campus für Demokratie ist nicht barrierefrei erreichbar.