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Für ein freies Land mit freien Menschen. Opposition und Widerstand in Biographien und Fotos. By Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk and Tom Sello
14.06.2016 | Bücher
From the very beginning in 1945, the establishment of the East German dictatorship prompted resistance. Yet it was over forty years until the Peaceful Revolution of 1989…
Orte der Friedlichen Revolution Berlin. By Martin Jander
14.06.2016 | Bücher
This pocket-sized volume on the sites of the Peaceful Revolution around Berlin is ideal for exploring the city. In 68 pages, the author Martin Jander explores the year of the revolution…
Gesichter der Friedlichen Revolution. Photographs by Dirk Vogel
14.06.2016 | Bücher
Twenty years after the 1989 revolution for freedom, the Dortmund photographer Dirk Vogel shot portraits of 63 individuals with his Leica 35mm camera. Who were the women and men behind the revolution…?
Orte der Friedlichen Revolution in Berlin. Map of the Revolution Stelae (PDF)
26.01.2016 | Bücher
This free pocket-sized folding map is the ideal companion for all those who want to explore the traces of the Peaceful Revolution in Berlin under their own steam…
Faces of the Peaceful Revolution – touring exhibition
14.06.2016 | Ausstellungen
In countless places from Suhl to Hiddensee, people stood up for democratic conditions in the GDR during 1989/90, helping to build the road to German Unity. Who were those men and women…?
Revolution in Berlin. Google Cultural Institute online exhibition
14.06.2016 | Ausstellungen
What happened in the forty days up to the fall of the Wall? The online exhibition Revolution in Berlin shows how confrontation intensified between the SED leadership and opposition groups during autumn 1989…