The dreaded Ministry for State Security (MfS) – popularly called the Stasi – was renamed Office for National Security (AfNS – Nasi) on 17 November 1989. Unlike all subordinate offices, the headquarters in East Berlin was able to continue operating unhindered up until January 1990. On 15 January demonstrators responded to New Forum’s call to brick up the entrances to the building in a symbolic act.
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Rolf Walter
Демонстранты 15 января 1990 года в штаб-квартире Министерства государственной безопасности в Восточном Берлине. Выйти на эту акцию протеста против «Штази» граждан призвал «Новый форум».
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Rolf Walter
A demonstration in front of the gates of the headquarters of the state security service on 15 January 1989 ended with occupation of the building.
Quelle: Rolf Zöllner
A demonstration in front of the gates of the headquarters of the state security service in East Berlin on 15 January 1990 ended with occupation of the building.
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Andreas Klug
The dreaded Ministry for State Security (MfS) – popularly called the Stasi – was renamed Office for National Security (AfNS – Nasi) on 17 November 1989. Unlike all subordinate offices, the headquarters in East Berlin was able to continue operating unhindered up until January 1990. On 15 January demonstrators responded to New Forum’s call to brick up the entrances to the building in a symbolic act.