Demonstration by the Polish trade union Solidarnosc in the pilgrimage city of Tschenstochau (Poland). The illegal trade union Solidarnosc grew into a mass movement that could no longer be stopped.
The Chinese government eventually reacted to the occupation of Tiananmen Square with brutal violence, ordering in tanks. They smashed the peaceful demonstration apart at the beginning of June. Even today, the precise number of people killed is not known.
Church of the Redeemer, East Berlin, 25 June 1989. The opposition staged a protest here, with several days of non-stop drumming against the suppression of the Chinese democracy movement. In the previous days, the Stasi had broken up three demonstrations to the Chinese embassy by force.
[Translate to English:] Demonstration am Rande des Evangelischen Kirchentages in Leipzig am 9. Juli 1989. Teilnehmer zeigen offen ihre Solidarität mit den chinesischen Studenten.
Flyer for a protest against the mass murder in Beijing, 9 June 1989 in East Berlin. The demonstrators were immediately arrested, interrogated and fined. The flyer had been distributed in a youth club, and the manager of the club was dismissed the next day.
Quelle: Die Bundesbeauftragte für die Stasi-Unterlagen (BStU)
Proteste in der DDR gegen die Niederschlagung der Demokratiebewegung in China
Quelle: Die Bundesbeauftragte für die Stasi-Unterlagen (BStU)
Proteste in der DDR gegen die Niederschlagung der Demokratiebewegung in China
Quelle: Die Bundesbeauftragte für die Stasi-Unterlagen (BStU)