- Старт >
- Arrests and expulsions >
- Freedom for those who think differently
Freiheit für Andersdenkende
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The official memorial demonstration in honour of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht took place in East Berlin on 17 January 1988. People who wanted to leave the country and members of the opposition demonstrated together under the motto: freedom for those who think differently. This kind of action was a crime in the GDR; over a hundred demonstrators were arrested.
The state took the opportunity for another blow against civil rights activists, arresting prominent figures from the East Berlin opposition a few days after the demonstration. They had spoken out in public on behalf of the prisoners and passed on information showing the GDR in a critical light to West Germany.

Im ganzen Land finden Solidaritätsaktionen und Mahnwachen statt. Zudem schlägt der DDR-Führung starker Protest aus vielen Ländern der westlichen Welt entgegen. Daraufhin stellt sie die verhafteten Bürgerrechtler vor die Alternative, bis zu zwölf Jahre Gefängnis in Kauf zu nehmen oder das Land zu verlassen. Unter diesem Druck entscheiden sich die meisten für eine Ausreise aus der DDR. Damit verliert die Opposition wichtige Stimmen.