People at a mass demonstration on East Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, 4 November 1989, showing support for Democracy Now.
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Jürgen Nagel
Founding members of the Democracy Now movement presenting their political grouping to the public in East Berlin’s Gethsemane Church, October 1989. Hans-Jürgen Fischbeck, Ulrike Poppe, Stephan Bickhardt, Michael Bartoszek, Wolfgang Ullmann (l.-r.)
Quelle: Stephan Bickhardt
Founding statement of the Grassroots Movement Democracy Now, dated 12 September 1989. The movement emerged from the oppositional “Initiative for Rejection of the Practice and Principle of Separation”, founded in 1986. As the SED considered the foundation of political associations a violation of the constitution, Democracy Now never applied for official registration.
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft
Founding statement of the Grassroots Movement Democracy Now, dated 12 September 1989. The movement emerged from the oppositional “Initiative for Rejection of the Practice and Principle of Separation”, founded in 1986. As the SED considered the foundation of political associations a violation of the constitution, Democracy Now never applied for official registration.