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Building the Wall in 1961 cemented the division of Germany after the end of World War II. In the western part, the Federal Republic of Germany accepted the borders of the GDR in the 1972 Basic Treaty. West Germany began building “good neighbourly relations” but stood by the principle of joint German citizenship. In the eastern part of Germany, the GDR gave up the idea of German reunification in its 1974 constitution.

Quelle: ullstein bild/Kurt Hamann

Quelle: ullstein bild/Jung

Quelle: ullstein bild/Hilde

Quelle: ullstein bild/Hilde

Quelle: ullstein bild/Bera

Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Bernd Markowsky/RHG_Fo_BeMa_1128d

Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft/Jürgen Nagel

Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft