The Social Democratic Party in the GDR (SDP) was founded at Schwante Rectory (Brandenburg) on 7 October 1989.
Quelle: Privatarchiv Steffen Reiche
Stills from a film made by Aram Radomski at the founding meeting of the SDP on 7 October 1989. Members of the initiative group Social Democratic Party in the GDR: Martin Gutzeit (l.), Markus Meckel (2nd r.), Arndt Noack (r.).
Stills from a film made by Aram Radomski at the founding meeting of the SDP on 7 October 1989. Members of the initiative group Social Democratic Party in the GDR: Markus Meckel (l.), Arndt Noack (r.).
Stills from a film made by Aram Radomski at the founding meeting of the SDP on 7 October 1989. Members of the initiative group Social Democratic Party in the GDR. At the table: Konrad Elmer chairing the meeting.
On 24 July 1989, Martin Gutzeit and Markus Meckel first started distributing their ideas. Preparations for the foundation of a social democratic party in the GDR began at the end of August. This paper from 12 September sums up the most important issues on a single page.
Quelle: Robert-Havemann-Gesellschaft
Founding charter of the SDP dated 7 October 1989. The Social Democratic Party inevitably questioned the legitimacy of the ruling Socialist Unity Party (SED), as the SED had been formed in 1946 by a forced merger of the communist and social democratic parties in East Germany.
Quelle: Privatarchiv Martin Gutzeit
SDP membership card of the founding member Martin Gutzeit.
Quelle: Privatarchiv Martin Gutzeit
SDP membership card of the founding member Martin Gutzeit.
Quelle: Privatarchiv Martin Gutzeit
Dienstausweis der SDP von Gründungsmitglied Martin Gutzeit.