VIP stand on East Berlin’s Karl-Marx-Allee for the fortieth anniversary of the GDR’s foundation, 7 October 1989. Various Eastern Bloc dictators were present.
East Berliners greeting the motor cavalcade of honorary guests invited by the head of state and the SED, Erich Honecker, to celebrate the GDR’s state anniversary, 6 October 1989.
Quelle: ullstein bild/Bildarchiv
Goose-stepping: guards parade on Unter den Linden in Berlin to mark the fortieth anniversary of the GDR’s foundation, 7 October 1989.
Parade with flags and torches: on the evening before the fortieth anniversary of the GDR, members of the state youth organisation Free German Youth (FDJ) marched past the VIP stand, 6 October 1989.
In September 1989, 2,600 copies of this fake banknote circulated in East Berlin: forty quarks - 40 years of peace, law and order. The flyers were made using silk-screen printing and distributed in letterboxees and public transport.