Doğu Berlinliler 6 Ekim 1989’da, Devlet ve Parti Şefi Erich Honecker’in 40. yıldönümü kutlamaları dolayısıyla DDR’ye davet ettiği onur misafirlerinin araba konvoylarını selamlıyorlar.
Quelle: ullstein bild/Bildarchiv
Goose-stepping: guards parade on Unter den Linden in Berlin to mark the fortieth anniversary of the GDR’s foundation, 7 October 1989.
Parade with flags and torches: on the evening before the fortieth anniversary of the GDR, members of the state youth organisation Free German Youth (FDJ) marched past the VIP stand, 6 October 1989.
In September 1989, 2,600 copies of this fake banknote circulated in East Berlin: forty quarks - 40 years of peace, law and order. The flyers were made using silk-screen printing and distributed in letterboxees and public transport.